Shanitrice Elle Davis

FullStack Software Developer | Educator


Full-Stack Developer

I am a Software Engineer, transitioning from the Education and Non-Profit Management Sector. I am proficient in building web applications with the MERN stack, Javascript frameworks, libraries, and databases. I aim to develop responsive and accessible applications that are performant, scalable, and thoughtfully designed for maintainability. Check out my recent projects on github !

Teacher Directory Database

This Back-end project provides Educational Institutions a structure to collect and store organizational information such as private staff and student data and currriculum content. This databases uses MongoDB,Postman, Json Web Tokens, SALT etc.

Red Light, Green Light

This Front-end project use vanilla Javascript, html and css. It provides the User with randomized color buttons. The user is only to click the green buttons. For each green button the user clicks they will recieve a point, for each red button selected the user will recieve a speeading ticket. After recieving 3 speeding tickets the user loses the game, after 3 points the user will win !


Atlanta, GA


Available upon request
Copyright © Gatsby-starter-grayscale 2019